
Saturday, March 20, 2010

Local Natives - Gorilla Manor (2010)

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The debut album from Los Angeles based Local Natives, Gorilla Manor, hooks you from the moment you press play with its entrancing harmonies, energetic delivery, and clean precise playing from each member of the five piece. After the fading strains of last track "Sticky Threads" you'll be wondering why you didn't discover this band sooner. The band plays folk influenced indie rock and has been compared to Fleet Foxes but Local Natives maintains a rugged individuality. Each song contains toe-tapping inspiring drums, memorable hooks, and exhilarating three part harmonies. "Wild Eyes" in particular features complex drum playing that wouldn't be out of place in math rock. "Who Knows Who Cares" fuses together masterful string arrangement, sweeping vocals, and hyperactive drum beats into a stunningly beautiful contradiction of a busy but no less moving slow track. Gorilla Manor, released stateside this February, is an interesting mix of heart pumping and calming connected by high energy and an ever-present drum beat. The songs possess an almost limitless capacity for interaction with clapping, shout vocals, catchy and singable hooks, and dance-inspiring beats that would only the dead could resist. The album is pure enjoyable indie rock at its best.

Currently Local Natives is playing SXSW before continuing on a US tour to promote their new album. Hear what they sound like from their music video for the track "Airplane":

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