
Monday, March 7, 2011

The Dodos - No Color (2011)

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Beginning with "Black Night", No Color marks The Dodos triumphant return to percussive reliant folk-inspired rock duo. It's surprising how full a song can sound with only two band members and yet The Dodos use every tool at their disposal to create a incredibly diverse sonic palette. No Color is definitely an album worthy of multiple listens. Each track on its first listen seems rather simplistic but is anything but. Repeat listens reveal a little more into the surprisingly complex composition of No Color's song. It's obvious the duo have learned many valuable lessons from previous album Time to Die, keeping in infectiously memorable and aurally pleasing melodic lines afforded them by vibraphonist Keaton Synder previous stint in the band. "Going Under" is the first instance that Neko Case shows up on vocals. I was curious how Case was going to factor into the equation and she's used to wonderfully marvelous effect. She's far from overpowering, allowing the duo's album to remain their own, but her presence is definitely noticed.

No Color crackles with an almost overwhelming amount of energy, at no point letting up. The Dodos are in full control, using their talents with remarkable precision. The album is a technical masterpiece, yet at no point does it seem like it and that is perhaps the band's greatest strength. The rather complex nature of their songs are downplayed by a jam-like aura which make it widely accessible.

No Color is out next week (March 15th) but you can listen to the full streaming album here and pre-order the album at their website here.

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