
Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Antlers - Burst Apart (2011)

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Brooklyn trio The Antlers wrote themselves a pretty big check to cash with their heartrending 2009 release leading to tons of speculation, lots of expectations, and a great deal of pressure. How do you follow up an intensely emotional album like Hospice? By not worrying about it, apparently. On Burst Apart, there's no grand unifying theme or metaphors, no overarching plot, instead the band offers up a collection of new songs and allows them to speak for themselves. The result is a captivating experience greater than any half-hearted attempt at a spiritual successor to Hospice.

Burst Apart isn't just a lackadaisical attempt at tiding over fans until the next big thing though. Underneath the haze of fizzy guitars and swarming electronics, The Antlers provide a visceral, engaging experience that transcends the limits of narrative. Rather than plotting along from point to point; from song to song, Burst Apart organically grows throughout- each song a natural extension of the one that preceded it until the listener comes to the startling realization that the record is over.

You can pre-order the album here or listen to the album in full at NPR until it's May 10th release date.

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