
Friday, April 15, 2011

Pitstop: Youth

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It's always great when a band you like turns you on other bands. In this instance it was previously featured Portland band Typhoon that led to me finding Youth. Youth is a Portland band in its early stages but they've definitely got massive amounts of potential (just give surefire favorite "Want You To Know" a listen). Youth began early last year as a collaboration between guitarist/vocalist Elec Morin and drummer Stephen Leisy before Maggie Morris joined later contributing vocals and guitar and enlisting friends Grant Hall and more recently Sam Schick on bass. The band themselves describe their music as "a mix of our day to day feeling, we write generally upbeat melodies and sing about whatever is going through our heads at the time" and "writing songs that we want to hear but haven't heard yet" which is a pretty apt description. Their songs are summery and upbeat jangle rock with occasional splashes of beach pop goodness. You might be tempted to compare them to surf rock bands like Avi Buffalo, Surfer Blood, or The Drums but don't. It'd be easy to compare the high vocals in "Just Like You Said" to Avi Zahner-Isenberg's but you'd be doing yourself a disservice. Instead of pigeonholing the young band, simply listen and enjoy, you'll be glad you did.

Here's hoping there's more to come from the budding rockers. They just released a free live album of a Santa Barbara concert that you can download here and have plans to release several double A side singles for free online so stay tuned for that.

You can hear some of their tunes at their Facebook, MySpace, and Bandcamp.

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