
Friday, April 15, 2011

Stricken City - Losing Colour (2011)

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Stricken City released their debut album Losing Colour about two months ago and I avoided listening to it purely because I didn't want to come to terms with the fact that they were breaking up. But in the end curiosity won out and I decided to look into the new album.

Beginning with high energy "Some Say", Losing Colour shines with Stricken City's characteristic grit and Raa's devil-may-care confidence. Stricken City manages to take risks while also staying true to their established sound. It might not mean much considering this is the band's grand finale but it's certainly appreciated.

Considering half the album has previously been released in one way or another (EP, free download, etc), I'm surprised how new the debut/final album sounds. The songs gain newfound meaning in the context of the album. Losing Colour manages to make an art out of it's ability to turn-on-a-dime avoiding all the pitfalls associated with such fast-paced switch-ups. And in a pretty ballsy move Stricken City even include a remix of "Pull the House Down", a song from their mini-album Songs About People I Know. Stricken City make sure to cover all bases with mostly instrumental tracks "Office" and "Lost Art(ii)".

It'd be better if Stricken City didn't break up but consider Losing Colour a worthy consolation prize. Months and months of hard work are finally realized and fully rewarded with this thoroughly enjoyable debut album. Stricken City go out with a definite bang. The only way that really suits them.

Listen to the album via their Bandcamp.

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