
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Pitstop: BELL

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In my pursuit of all things ARMS-related, I stumbled upon BELL. You see, the fellows of ARMS are playing a show with them tonight. A CD release show for BELL's upcoming album DIAMONITE that's out next week. BELL is a Brooklyn based foursome composed of Olga Bell, Jason Nazary, Michael Saltsman, and Gunnar Olsen. Different than my standard fare, BELL is no doubt infectious and it's not hard to see why they won me over so quickly. There's only two songs from their upcoming album available for listening and yet, that's all you really need.

I'm still not entirely sure each member's duty besides Olga Bell's heady vocals but you'll find that once you hit play, it doesn't really seem to matter.

"River" has this sort of majestic grandeur, not present in "Dialtone". Both have this large, sprawling quality but "River" with it's multiple tempo changes and driving drums pump you up in a way that "Dialtone" just can not. It's a good thing that "River" comes after it on the album otherwise you might feel a little gypped. But it's not a competition and both tracks are amazing in their own way.

Get to know BELL with a few tracks from their upcoming album DIAMONITE which you can preorder on their Bandcamp. And if you just so happen to be in NYC with nothing to do tonight, go see ARMS & BELL at the Knitting Factory for what's sure to be a night of awesome much.

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