
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pitstop: Olivia Quillio

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(Pic pilfered from Humble Baritonics with only the best of intentions)

In retrospect, I would've kicked myself if I didn't find a way to get to John Craigie, Liana Gabel, and Olivia Quillio's show at the Slashroot Cafe in New Paltz. I've talked about John Craigie before and Liana Gabel happens to be a close friend of mine but that night I had the pleasure of being absolutely floored by Olivia Quillio. Armed with a baritone ukulele and set of powerhouse pipes, she was by far the highlight of the night (No offense meant to John or Liana). Her songs were simple, poppy, but ultimately awe-inspiring. Her songwriting had some unexpected twists and turns and she demonstrated a positively jaw-dropping amount of vocal control. She rendered me and my accompanying friend absolutely speechless every time she opened her mouth. Each time she took the stage, she had you captivated and hanging on her every word.

Every blogger hopes the music they like gets worthy attention and Ms. Quillio definitely deserves it. Probably more so than any up-and-coming artist I've ever featured. Here's hoping there's more to come from Olivia Quillio and in case my accolades haven't sway you, give her song "Easy Killer" a listen. It's sure to make a convert out of you, too.

You can give more of her tunes a listen at her Myspace or her Youtube channel.

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