
Saturday, June 18, 2011

1, 2, 3 - New Heaven (2011)

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My introduction to Pittsburgh duo 1, 2, 3 was due in equal parts to Listen Before You Buy and Sam at MiddleClassWhiteNoise. You see, Listen Before You Buy has weekly mixtape battles and two weeks ago Sam competed and both he and his competitor put 1, 2, 3's "Work" on their mixtapes. Color me intrigued. And then came a delightful tweet advertising that I could stream all of 1, 2, 3's debut album New Heaven.

1, 2, 3 is kind of hard to characterize in terms of genre. They have hard-hitting beats juxtaposed with dreamy melodies and lilting though slightly raspy vocals. Their songs are as varying as their songwriting style. Some songs beachy reveries like "Lonesome Boring Summer" or "Wave Pool" and there's even some old school rock n' roll and soul influence in "Just Like Heaven(Is Gone)" and "Sorry, Soldier" (which is also vaguely country-esque). And yet 1, 2, 3 is able to cluster together all these influences without seeming like they're trying too hard. Instead it's just sounds good; smartly well-crafted.

1, 2, 3 releases their debut full length this Tuesday on Frenchkiss Records. So if you like what you hear on their stream here, make sure it buy it.

If for some reason you're still not convinced, take a gander at 1, 2, 3's video for "Work":

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