
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Pitstop: Lands & Peoples

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As what seems to be the case these days, I discovered Baltimore band Lands & Peoples while tending to my minor obsession with Brooklyn band ARMS. I was watching videos of ARMS performing for the Big Ugly Yellow Couch when a curious little video of Lands & Peoples performing "Awake" a Capella on a giant windchime in Austin, Texas during SXSW popped up.

Since their SXSW stint, Lands & Peoples has undergone major changes: namely the loss of two of their members and subsequent conversion from quartet to duo. That hasn't deterred Caleb Moore or Beau Cole in the slightest though. The two are accomplished multi-instrumentalists and their work as a two-some are on par with their previous releases and no doubt poised to be much better.

To date, Lands & Peoples has one EP released in '09 and a single by the name of "In Living Colour" released last year. The duo are currently working on new tunes and are playing shows. So if you're either in the New York City area on July 2nd (they'll be at Pianos) or the Baltimore area on the 5th or 27th (they'll be playing Penthouse Gallery and Metro Gallery respectively) make sure you give them a listen.

You can check out their updated sound on a live recording from a June show at the Metro Gallery here or their old stuff on Bandcamp here. Both are awesome. End of story.

Give Lands & Peoples a listen with this live track of new song "Everyday" from their Live at the Metro Gallery show last month.
Lands & Peoples - Live at the Metro Gallery (6/11/11) 01 Everyday by All Around Sound Blog

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