
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Pitstop: Zu Shapes

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It's rare (but not uncommon) that I stack two artist features on top of each other. But you see, Zu Shapes is actually related to my latest feature on Lands & Peoples in that it's the solo project of Beau Cole, one half of Baltimore duo. His work as Zu Shapes takes the form of beachy bedroom pop that's actually pretty lovely. Filled with sun-kissed melodies and a little bit of a dreamy haze, it's doesn't actually sound like your typical bedroom project. I mean, the recording is pretty polished.

You can listen to his tunes via Bandcamp and if you like you can pre-order Zu Shapes's 4 song debut Merigold on cassette (if that's your thing) from Friends Records. Or you know, go for the pay-what-you-want digital release. Either/or.

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