
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pitstop: Vanaprasta

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One of the greatest surprises at CMJ was a band I almost didn't see. When Headless Horseman dropped out of We Listen For You's day party, Silverlake rock quintet Vanaprasta stepped up to fill in on incredibly short notice and put on a absolutely great live show. Energetic beyond measure, one of the highlights of the performance was when guitarist/sampler Cameron Dmytyrk jumped off stage with a sleigh bell, ran out of the room, and returned with interested folks to watch their previously sparsely attended opening set. A band after my own heart. Not only were they inventive and charismatic but their tunes were just good. That special kind of good where you throw all care to the wind and toe-tap, head-bob, and eventually cut completely loose. Their music is part arena rock, part energy-fueled slow jams and full of infectious good vibes and great musicianship. And sleigh bells. A band after my heart, indeed. Since the release of their debut album today, I've listen to it an almost embarrassingly great amount of times and it doesn't get any less greater with each listen.

Check out Vanaprasta, you'll be glad you did.

Vanaprasta's debut album Healthy Geometry is out today so make sure you grab it if you like what you hear. You can stream the album here.

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