
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ryan Adams & Laura Marling - "Oh My Sweet Carolina"

You ever have that moment where you don't know why something's happening or how but surpringly don't care? That's how I feel whenever Laura Marling pairs up with someone for a duet. Only in the past, it's usually been with other British folk artists that she's more or less been pals with. When Listen Before You Buy posted this live video of Laura Marling duetting with Ryan Adams though, my mind was abuzz with questions: How do they even know each other?! How is this happening!? When is this!? And then I just stopped thinking about it. Because the fact remains that this is one of the greatest things I've heard/seen in recent memory. Laura doesn't sing much but when she does, it's a thing of absolute beauty. Harmonizing so perfectly with Ryan Adams that you just watch in awe. And Ryan Adams? Well the man is just downright brilliant all the time.

Watch the video for "Oh My Sweet Carolina" with Laura Marling and Ryan Adams:

(Via ListenBeforeYouBuy)

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