
Monday, January 23, 2012

Watch: Hospitality - "Friends of Friends"

With the release of Hospitality's debut self-titled album little more than a week away, they decided to drop a gem of a video for one of their first preview tracks "Friends of Friends", which they released when they first signed to Merge Records. If the song wasn't awesome enough, the Scott Jacobson directed video, kind of clinches it. Hospitality have far more pull than I would've ever thought possible: Alia Shawkat (most known for her role as Maebe in Arrested Developed) stars in the video. She plays a dumped girl with a douchebag long-distance boyfriend who has some much needed girl time to get over the aforementioned douchebag boyfriend. It's like the plot of a rom-com only, not pointlessly drawn out to 110 minutes.

Watch the video for Hospitality's "Friends of Friends":

Hospitality - "Friends Of Friends" from stereogum on Vimeo.

(via Stereogum)

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