
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Shearwater is releasing an album

I have no idea why but Shearwater was one of those bands I completely neglected. Well actually I know why. Because the release of sixth studio album Golden Archipelago in 2010, I was completely unaware of their existence and I completely forgot to buy Golden Archipelago after listening to some samples. I still have the note I wrote to myself telling me to buy the album because it was obviously awesome. Bad form, me. Bad form.

Until today I was completely unaware that the band were gearing up for the release of their seventh album, Animal Joy. That is until Todd Goldstein of ARMS tweeted how much he was looking forward to the new album with a link to the first single, "Breaking The Yearlings". Considering I've made the completely horrible mistake of not listening to nearly enough Shearwater, I instantly pounced on the new track. I'm not entirely familiar with Shearwater's signature sound (since I've listened to exactly one album by them - see above) but the new track seems a bit grittier than Golden Archipelago and more rock-centered. Even "You As You Were" with it's down tempo piano intro picks up speed and gains a  bit of rock edge. And makes me want the new album. So consider this a note to myself and you: Listen to these new Shearwater songs and buy Animal Joy. You won't regret it.

Animal Joy is out February 14th on Sub Pop.

 Shearwater - Breaking The Yearlings by subpop

 Shearwater - You As You Were by subpop

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