
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Wildlife releases new tune for charity.

I've essentially been lying in wait for Canadian rockers Wildlife to do something noteworthy enough to blog about it. Anything really. But they've essentially just been touring and after awhile talking about shows they're doing that I won't be at could get a bit tiresome. So when I read that Wildlife just contributed a brand new track to Sound Effects compilation, I got intensely excited. And then I hear the track and got even more so.

Sound Effects is an all Canadian compilation to benefit War Child Canada, an organization that helps children in war torn countries. Most of the tracks were done by the five young Ryerson University students that formed Impressionable Youth Media and put together Sound Effects. If that wasn't cool enough, Wildlife's track "A Year in the Dark" is a brand spanking new rare gem. It undulates like "Sea Dreamer" but not quite as balls-to-the-wall as the band is know to be. It's a nice change of pace. And also just great to hear anything from Wildlife.

Sound Effects drops January 31st so stay tuned on more info on that. Until it releases and you can (hopefully) get your hands on it, You can stream the album (along with the aforementioned new Wildlife tune here.

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