
Monday, February 6, 2012

Peter Broderick - "It Starts Hear"

Portland native turned world explorer Peter Broderick is back with what he calls his second proper vocal album, a follow up to 2008's Home. It goes by the name of

Broderick explains the reasoning behind the album's title as a means to direct listeners and fans to what he considers to be the most integral part of an album - it's art, liner notes and various innards. With most downloadable music you often miss out on some of the packaging artists put a lot of effort into making and Broderick doesn't want you to miss out. So he's created a website that will host all that.

The idea is pretty cool, and as someone deep in the throes of Peter Broderick obsession, it's great to hear that his new album will be coming out so soon. The new album,, will be out February 20th.

You can preview the title track right here:

Peter Broderick - It Starts Hear from Bella Union on Vimeo.

Also if you want to read a little more about Broderick's project, check it out here.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to listen! Home was on my top 10 in 2008. Feel free to check out my musings at
