
Thursday, March 8, 2012

All Around Sound in Turning Two! - Day 4: Eardrums Music

At the end of this week, All Around Sound turns two year old! To best help ring in this monumental achievement, I enlisted the aid of some of my favorite blogs/music-loving people to help celebrate the occasion with a festive playlist.

Today's contribution is a real treat. It almost goes without saying that Norwegian based Eardrums Music hold a very special place in my heart.  Spurned on by my newfound of Sondre Lerche and subsequent eccentric commitment to Scandinavian music the summer preceding my first year of college, I stumbled upon Eardrums Music and returned pretty much daily to see what tasty indie-pop they’d be offering up that day. Eardrums Music is the first music blog I ever read before I ever entertained the idea of blogging myself and before I even knew music blogs were an actual thing and has no doubt had a heavy-hand in the formation of my music tastes, laying down a lot of the foundation for the things I’m into now (especially via their brilliant seasonal compilation albums released through their netlabel Eardrums Pop).  During my first year, my blog often served as a reblog of several of the bands Eardrums was championing – and while I’ve been able to step away and find my own bands to love and support, Eardrums remains a consistent benchmark in new music discovery. While Middle Class White Noise's extensive playlists might've inspired this playlist week - some credit is also due to Knut and his Loved Songs Spotify playlists which I totally "borrowed" the name for for my Best of 2011 track playlist.

Knut's Contribution:
Congratulations! Two years is a long time for a music blog,  and lots of good blogs seem to end their time long before they've had their second birthday. I guess it's the ones who really care who stay active for years. My blog has been on and off for almost 6 years, and I just made my 1000th post. I never thought I would be doing this for so long! Will Eardrums Music be around next year? I really don't know. I hope your blog will be here for many, many years.
My gift to you is a playlist with songs that represent the 2 years you have been active. It's called "One, Two..." and includes songs that contains the word one and two. I must also say that I had a hard time choosing songs, because my first mix included 50 songs. So, these are my absolute favourite ONE-TWO-songs, I guess ;-).
I hope you will have a brilliant birthday!

You can also check out Knut's playlist here. Here's the text version:

1. Rory McVicar - The Only ONE
2. Ice Choir - TWO Rings
3. Ally Kerr - Be the ONE
4. Pastels/Tenniscoats - TWO Sunsets
5. The Sundays - You're not the only ONE I know
6. Azure Blue - TWO hearts
7. The Smiths - I want the ONE I can't have
8. Baffin Island - You make TWO weeks TWO days
9. Milky Wimpshake - ONE good use for my heart
10. Adorable - Cut #2
11. Gigi - ONE woman show
12. Northern Portrait - I give you TWO seconds to entertain me
13. The Magnetic Fields - You're the only ONE
14. Guther - TWO minds inbetween
15. The Jesus and Mary chain - Deep ONE perfect morning
16. Gregory and the hawk - TWO faced twin
17. Nicely Dressed - If I could be the ONE
18. The Caretaker race - TWO minutes by train
19. Ultra Vivid Scene - Special ONE
20. Darren Hayman & the secondary modern - TWO tree island
21. Palpitation - ONE step behind
22. Page France - We remain as TWO
23. Acid House Kings - ONE TWO three four
24. Jenn Grant - (I've got) the TWO of you
25. Suede - My insatiable ONE


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