
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

All Around Sound Is Turning Two! - Day 2: Listen Before You Buy

This week, All Around Sound is turning two years old and to help celebrate our auspicious milestone, I ask a bunch of blog friends/people I love to help make the occasion a little more special with some fancy playlist-love.

I'd be lying if I said that the whole idea to have blogs submit playlists to be featured this week wasn't in part some sort of elaborate ruse to get Frank over at Listen Before You Buy to do something for me for a change. I'm not exactly sure how I fell in with Franky and the Listen Before You Buy staff but it was through his blog/twitter that I stumbled into Mumuplayer and befriended everyone who was there (which coincidentally wasn't Frank). Frank runs a tight ship over at Listen Before You Buy featuring a pretty much overwhelming plethora of great and diverse music and for some odd reason allows me to contribute over there when the mood strikes me. When I came up with the idea for guest playlists from blogs that have influenced mine - Frank was my main go to guy. While I don't exactly aspire to have a behemoth of a site and team that he does, just thinking about all the good work his blog is doing inspires me to write more and to write better. So thanks Franky for a blog well run and agreeing to my little request.

Frank writes:
In this current digital climate of music discovery and all-you-can-eat consumption of anything with a soundwave, it's a special thing to stumble across an artist that deserves all the fame and acclaim on the planet, yet is flying just too low below the radar to break out into the mainstream, and so it goes for music blogs too.
Finding a gem of a music blog that's passionate, articulate, intelligent and knowledgeable can be few and far between, but when you do find one you latch onto it and protect it like it's your favourite baby squirrel. Such is the case with Dante's "All Around Sound" which falls into each of the above descriptions (baby squirrel being the most apt). 

Passionate writing is an instant attraction for me to a music blog, and All Around Sound has it in spades. Subscribe, Like, and Follow. You won't regret it.
That's some high praise right there. Even better? Frank's diverse playlist.

You can listen to Frank's Blog Birthday mix on Spotify here. Here's the text version:
1. British Sea Power - "Apologies To Insect Life"
2. Beyonce - "Party ft. Andre 3000"
3. Badly Drawn Boy - "Pissing in the Wind"
4. St. Vincent - "Your Lips Are Red"
5. Bob Dylan - "Bob Dylan's 115th Dream"
6. Camera Obscura - "Other Towns And Cities"
7. T. Rex - "Get It On"
8. The Smiths - "Bigmouth Strikes Again"
9. Massive Attack - "Interia Creeps"
10. Alton Ellis - "Rock Steady"
12. Slow Club - "Hackney Marsh"
13. Yeasayer - "Ambling Amp"
14. Daft Punk - "Da Funk"
15. Sex Pistols - "Anarchy in the UK"
16. Frederic Chopin - Nocturne in E-flat Major, Op. 9 No.2
17. The La's - "There She Goes"
18. Blur - "End Of A Century"

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