
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Watch: The Dø - 'Gonna Be Sick!"

Turns out today I'm shining an inadvertent spotlight on Listen Before You Buy. Not only are they where I found out this video happened but Frank turned me onto The Dø and last year's remarkable Both Ways Open Jaws. In retrospect it probably should've been on my Best Of list. Oh well, hindsight is 20/20.

There's not really a whole lot I can say about The Dø's spectacular new video that won't sound like gushing. Everything about it is incredible - from the pacing, the plot, the direction, the nifty way they use sheets as water, to the very idea of putting Olivia Merilahti on a fake boat and having her besieged by peril after peril for no reason (let's be serious, who would ever let that beautiful woman go out to sea in a rowboat all  alone? Not me.). See? Gushing. Check out  The Dø's video for "Gonna Be Sick!":

(via Listen Before You Buy)

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