
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Pitstop: Black Girls

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I've heard so many opening band horror stories that every time I go to a concert now, I feel exceptionally lucky to see a good opener (I've never seen a bad opener to this day but the seed has been planted). During their current US tour, Seattle's The Head and the Heart brought alongside fellow Seattle-dwellers Drew Grow & The Pastors' Wives and the much appreciated and spectacularly brilliant Black Girls from Richmond, Virginia.

Black Girls are actually friends with THATH's drummer Tyler Williams and that's how they got the gig. Nothing wrong with that as it turns out to be pretty fortuitous match made in tour heaven. Beginning as an kind of experimental duo between guitarist/vocalist Drew and drummer Stephen before expanding into a full-fledged rock band. Black Girls actually released their debut album Hell Dragon just before they embarked on tour. Black Girls are what more opening bands should be: energetic, focused, and fun. Their tunes find a pretty perfect balance between rabble-rousing Southern rock fusion of Blues, Jazz, and Soul in decidedly impressive parts as well as some elements of balls to the wall psychedelic pop with sultry, simmering rock licks. The result is an album and live show that's the very definition of fun. Head-bobbers, knee-slappers, foot-stompers, the whole nine yards - you'll find this and more in Black Girls. Yet despite their party-rock edge, their songs display an appropriate amount of talent from each of the band's five members. A truly great band that's effortlessly charismatic and abundantly talented, a surefire favorite bound to instantaneously win you over.  

You can hear Hell Dragon on Spotify  and Bandcamp where you can also hear their collection of demos when Black Girls was a duo.

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