
Friday, May 11, 2012

Watch: Chris Holm - "When I Die"

I know what you're thinking: Didn't you just talk about Chris Holm's "When I Die" yesterday? If not, it's certainly what I'm thinking. Well, in the time it took me to discover Chris Holm, he's just had a music video made. By none other Mona Lerche (wife of the far more famous Sondre) who's quickly establishing herself as one of my favorite new video directors and certainly making an impressing name for herself as such.

The plot is simple enough: a young Equestrian rider mourns the death of her horse and remembers fond memories of practice and morning and mid-afternoon rides, caring for it and the like and is generally distressed by the death of her beast. But then there's an modern dancing man in a horse-head mask that I'm fairly certain is supposed to represent the spirit of the horse and she regards it with all of her affection which it returns as it's man-body allows. It has the potential to take on some creepy Equus like weirdness but I think their relationship is a purer less self-destructive kind of love. There's also shots of Chris Holm shredding alone on the guitar that are pretty much the definition of awesome. Another spectacular video from Mona Lerche.

Watch the video for Chris Holm's "When I Die" from his upcoming solo debut Kilos out in the Fall.


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