
Friday, August 31, 2012

Watch: Milagres - "Glowing Mouth"

Over the past year, Brooklyn quintet Milagres have embarked on a pretty intense relationship with the UK. Spending ample time there playing shows and the like and a couple of days the band will release their third single over there - the self-titled track off their sophomore record Glowing Mouth.

It's cause for celebration for most and those of  us stateside get a tastes of the spoils through Milagres brand new video for "Glowing Mouth" and let me just tell you: it's oh so worth it.

Dear Milagres, I don't really care that you've played a minimal amount of shows in your home base or for your NYC adjacent fans. Just as long as you keep making music videos this fun, this awesome, this blatantly but not over the top filled with hilarity, your gallivanting on foreign soil will be forgiven.

The music video for "Glowing Mouth" is just that, a music video. It features solely the band playing in a dark room. But there's a twist. It's all set in the 80's. Yesssss. There's even a random video hootchie to whom the band play/sing to in it. It's pretty much perfect. Milagres, don't ever chance.

Watch Milagres video for "Glowing Mouth":

(via This Is Fake DIY)

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