
Friday, September 14, 2012

Johan Brännström - New Set of Dreams EP (2012)

I may have failed to mention that each member of Swedish indie-pop trio Heart-Sick Groans is a talented musician in their own right. Earlier this year, we were introduced to Henric Wallmark's recent solo project Ghost Lake but Heart-Sick Groans' main vocalist/string player Johan Brännström has been churning out solo tunes for awhile now.

In fact, two days ago Brännström released his short 3 song New Set of Dreams EP which is filled with thoughtful, contemplative folksy songwriting. It's certainly a surprisingly but impressive change of pace from the infectious, sugary chamber pop stylings of the Heart-Sick Groans. And while not as the overtly catchy as his work with the trio, there's an undeniable replay quality to New Set of Dreams. It's stripped down and basic allowing Brännström's simple but poignant lyricism to stand on its own two feet and the result is a pretty fine release that you'll have a hard time putting down. And it'll certainly have me paying more attention to Heart-Sick Groans songs of which Johan Brännström is chief lyricist because underneath their poppy dressings, there must no doubt be something that hints to this level of skillful songwriting.

Enjoy Johan Brännström's New Set of Dreams EP and here's hoping there's more to come.

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