
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Watch: Lord Huron - Lonesome Dreams Trailer #8 featuring "In the Wind"

As the release of Lord Huron's debut full length Lonesome Dreams looms ever closer (we're around the two week mark now), it's fitting that Lord Huron have ponied up another album trailer for the work. Their latest is the eighth in their set of trailers featuring snippets of tracks from the other and unlike the past two trailers, it's a song we haven't been introduced to before at all.

"In the Wind" is very similar in sound to "Ends of the Earth" or even "Brother (Last Ride)" with elements of "The Stranger" thrown in for good measure (although this is based solely a minute teaser so the whole thing could be quite different). The trailer, while still capturing the old-time Western feel of where Lonesome Dreams is supposed to take place, trades in the washed out technicolor for classic black and white. It's a simple enough scene: Ben Schneider aka Huron sitting in front of a roaring fire - guitar in hand, it's the sudden cut to end credits that's cause for alarm. Even though there's two songs we've yet to preview, trailer eight might very well be the last in the series of trailers. Which is both exciting and not so much but with two weeks to go until the release of Lonesome Dreams, I'm sure we'll all manage.

Here's hoping for more methodical and well-thought out works detailing the adventures Huron and his gang.

Lord Huron's debut full length Lonesome Dreams is out October 9th on I AM Sound.

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