
Friday, October 5, 2012

Watch: The Voluntary Butler Scheme - "Brain Freeze"

Gather round everyone, I have some great news: British multi-instrumentalist Rob Jones aka The Voluntary Butler Scheme is releasing a new album. The follow up to 2011's The Grandad Galaxy will be out sometime next year and you can get a taste of the new album entitled A Million Ways to Make Gold with first single "Brain Freeze". It's a pretty joyous affair, not unlike After Breakfast, Dinner, Tea's "Multiplayer" or The Grandad Galaxy's "Don't Rely On It" and it's filled practically to the brim with brass.

The video for "Brain Freeze" follows in Jones' previous footsteps of being simple and cute, featuring a toy guitar lip-syncing to song before a changing series of colorful backgrounds for pretty much the whole duration of the video. It's not a lot but it's just enough to make you smile while grooving a long to the new track. Enjoy!

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