
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Listen: Daniel Hart - "Bigger Cities, Thicker Doors"

It's the New Year! So out with the old, in with the new, right? Not quite! Seems like there's still a plethora of goodies from 2012 to discover. One of them being this new track from violinist/multi-instrumentalist Daniel Hart. 2012 saw the re-release of The Orientalist, Hart's first true solo record and a summation of Hart's earlier experiences in India. After its release, Daniel Hart apparently released "O Sangeeta" as a single and paired it along with this new track.

Simply put, the track is a knockout. After a St. Vincent-esque melody, his first verse hits and hits hard: "Humility comes down hard like a heavy rain, like a thunderstorm", Hart isn't pulling any punches and after a tiny bit of soft plodding and steadily gaining momentum, the track grows into a sweltering rock jam. Light touches of violin gymnastics before the ground opens up into a majestic sprawling expanse of driving bass riffs and cymbal smashes, "Bigger Cities, Thicker Doors" could've very well been The Orientalist's closing number equal parts cacophonous finale and dynamic tension release. But the fact that it's not only hints at Hart's songwriting growth as he aims higher and plumps deeper emotional depths without needing an album worth of lead in. I'm excited to see what else Daniel Hart has in store. If "Bigger Cities, Thicker Doors" is any indication it's sure to be good.

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