
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Listen: Friend Roulette - "Golden"

After what seems like ages of Friend Roulette quietly working on special something somethings and proving to be one of the hardest working Brooklyn bands (they played what some could only describe as an utterly ridiculous amount of CMJ shows...), the Brooklyn chamber pop sextet are just about ready to drop their debut full length record. Scoring a premiere on USA Today, it's hard not to be thrilled for the not so little band that definitely will as they drop its first real single from the upcoming I'm Sorry You Hit Your Head.

Golden, a svelte lullaby tucked in layers of cozy harmonies, marks one of the Friend Roulette's more linear songwriting efforts. Trading in their characteristic quirk and intensely fun production ideas for a shimmer ballad filled with nature-imagery that both highlights Julia Tepper's vocals as well as features Friend Roulette for what they do so well: providing an insanely involved driving accompaniment that doesn't distract from the lyrics but highlights and accentuates its curves and subtly changing shapes.  Ballads can easily become throwaway fair especially if you're not particularly in the mood to be serenaded in any particular instance but with "Golden", Friend Roulette make sure you're engaged stocking what would already be a lovely vocal showcasing track with swoops and bends and a sort of relaxed big-beat attack that oddly enough inspires foot-tapping. It's an interesting gambit but if there's one thing we've learned from Friend Roulette it's that they have gobs of interesting left to spare.

Friend Roulette's debut full length I'm Sorry You Hit Your Head is out in April on Goodnight Records.

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