
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Listen: Bowerbirds - "April"

Another month has come and gone meaning many things - the most important of which is another track in Bowerbirds short-form song experiment Small Songs from a Small Tiny House.

The third contribution, appropriately titled "April" introduces a far more pop savvy Bowerbirds than we've ever been privy to. They never go full on pop but there's undeniably catchy hooks and a simple but perfectly utilized recurring "oo" alongside some downright twangy, jangly guitar bits. The melodies still unfold like sprawling nature paths and the those trademark harmonies all present and accounted for but it's just the kind of brilliant pairing of old and new that has my hopes and anticipation rising exponentially for full length number four.

These songs might just be little experiments in somewhat more accessible songcraft but I have no doubt they're easing the way for more art-pop gems from the Bowerbirds.

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