
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Listen: Bowerbirds - "June"

Another month draws to a close which signals another offering from the Bowerbirds' ongoing Small Songs from a Tiny House series - their short form songwriting experiment.

Until now, it wasn't exactly clear who was involved in the project. Some sounded like just Phil Moore and his guitar, some slightly expanded but still lacking that Bowerbirds full band flavor. Any involvement from anyone besides Moore has more or less just been hinted at (female harmonies that dart in and out with rabbit quickness on "April"). "June" is our first real evidence of the contrary. Recalling "Northern Lights" somewhat melodically, "June" jumps right into the action - drums, vocal harmonies, it's Bowerbirds as we've come to know them. Just in a shorter, more succinctly way. Despite the fact that the track is all of 2 minutes long, there's still that characteristic development that leads to memorable enjoyable musical moments; tough considering the small window they have to work with but definitely well executed.

I can't wait until the end of the next month to see whether they stay this route or go somewhere different entirely.

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