
Monday, June 10, 2013

Listen: Raindeer - "Tune Out"

A couple months ago we got a taste of Baltimore experimental pop troupe Raindeer's upcoming album Tattoo with is title track and with the album officially done, they saw fit to release another track from it: "Tune Out". Unlike "Tattoo", "Tune Out" isn't quite a straightforward and poppy. No, "Tune Out" recalls the quirky B movie soundtrack vibes of their self-titled; synthier but as buoyant as ever. It falls into a happy medium between Raindeer's weirder moments and the rather simplistic direction of "Tattoo". It's enough to make you curious where the album will end up as a whole.

Here's hoping there's an official album release announcement coming because the two tracks we've heard from Tattoo thus far are rather choice.

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