
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Listen: Making Marks - "Barcodes"

Several months ago "Ticket Machine", the first single from the regrouped Norwegian indie pop quartet Marking Marks (former My Little Pony) made its way into the world. It was not unlike the tunes you'd expect from My Little Pony and if you were into them, that wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

However, "Barcodes" their newly released second single is a proper introduction to a brand new band. The melodies are still as rich as My Little Pony's but there's a change here. Maybe it's the subtle build towards its first burst of vocals, the decrease in cuteness, or the track's more rock leanings? Who's to say really. One things for sure. If Making Marks have more songs like "Barcodes" on their upcoming debut album, their days of pseudo-patronizing accolades as cutesy pop purveyors will be a thing of the past. "Barcodes" keeps just the right amount of pop to make the track go down smooth but there's an obvious growth in sound for the better.

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