
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Watch: Brazos - "Long Shot"

Well, this is slightly unexpected. Of all the songs on Brooklyn indie-pop trio Brazos' excellent sophomore record Saltwater to get the music video treatment, sensitive album ender "Long Shot" would probably be my last guess. Especially after you factor in the sheer catchiness of other would-be singles like "Charm", "Always On" or "Saltwater" but considering that "Long Shot" is one of my favorite tracks on the record, I'm pleased as punch Martin Crane created a video for it.

If the emoji-packed "How the Ranks Was Won" was a little bit much for you, in "Long Shot" you're given a bit of a visual break. Instead of bright colors and rapid changing in your face visual cues, "Long Shot" consists of black and white drawings that are far slower moving and less prying than "How the Ranks Was Won". Significantly less plot-driven than the aforementioned video, "Long Shot" is seemingly a collection of unrelated images with elevated importance due to synced transformation. Some of them make sense, other seem to just try to invoke the overall mood of the track's emotional plod. Overall though, it all manages to fit together; the simple black and white drawings pairing incredible well with the sparse lyric-driven album closer.

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