
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Watch: Friend Roulette - "Rocket Dog"

If you follow Brooklyn chamber pop sextet Friend Roulette's career with any kind of consistency, you might remember last year they went into a session at Converse Rubber Tracks studio to recorded a couple songs. While we really only got a sneak peek at what that might entail in Friend Roulette's Rubber Tracks video featuring snipped of "Just Woke Up", we're finally to hear at last one of the songs recorded there in full in "Rocket Dog"

While Friend Roulette are noteable for their psychedelic deviations among brilliant buoyant pop melodies, they are also very skilled balladeers. Look at "Or Berlin" or "Golden" off their recently released debut record I'm Sorry You Hit Your Head and you'll be hard pressed to find more soothing, sincere examples of balladry. Well, enter "Rocket Dog".

The video by Alexander Hunter and Nicolas Cadena features Friend Roulette's Julia Tepper in the video's kind of oddly touching story of quirky friendship. Forced to attend stuffy family shindigs and fancy dinners she would rather not attend, Tepper finds solace in an another attendee who would also rather be elsewhere. There's a sort of dark side to their companionship however with havoc being wreaked as a destructive chicken game emerges and the duo one up each other in feats of rebellion. This being Friend Roulette, the video is not without it's weird twist. The group openly embrace their oddball nature and the video takes its eventual turn from that.

The song is beautiful, the video is beautiful. Another new Friend Roulette song making it's way into the world? Also beautiful. Enjoy their video for "Rocket Dog":

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