
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Watch: Left With Pictures - "Bloody Mess"

British chamber pop troupe Left With Pictures certainly earned themselves a bit of time off after the marathon that was their song-a-month In Time project and subsequent album release but after about a year and change off working on their third album, there's a peak at fresh new music in the form of "Bloody Mess", the last in their previously ongoing Miles End live video series.

Featuring fingerstyle as well as slide guitar, "Bloody Mess" doesn't transition Left With Pictures into the realm of folk pop. No instead, they adopt these into another of their feats of thrilling timbre experimentation. As if the differences between Stuart Barter and Toby Knowles wasn't enough disparity, they pair electric and acoustic guitars as well as sparingly utilized violin and piano for a real wealth of textures despite their stripped down numbers. 

A melancholic little dirge with simple but instantly memorable melodies, "Bloody Mess" is a proper return for the British five-piece (appearing as a threesome in this video) and a sign of good things to come on their upcoming third album. Here's hoping it's not too long of a wait until then. 


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