
Friday, May 23, 2014

Listen: Cymbals Eat Guitars - "Jackson"

There are plenty of reasons to get excited about Staten Island rockers Cymbals Eat Guitars triumphant return. It's been three years since sophomore effort Lenses Alien was loosed upon us and well, it's about time, no? On "Jackson", the first single and album opener of their upcoming third record LOSE, Joseph D'Agostino makes rather quick work of reintroducing fans old and new to his nuanced delivery. Always striking the right balance between his brainy brand of songwriting and pitch perfect vulnerability, that's certainly at work here on "Jackson". D'Agostino's vocals are at the forefront of the brewing tumult, agile and serpentine while the track simmers and stews. "Jackson" is notably restrained and D'Agostino's vocals are truly the highlight, far more mobile than many of the bands parts.

That's not to say that the rest of the foursome or even D'Agostino's own guitar work aren't pulling their weight rather his vocals function not unlike their own instrument - separate and elevated from the din, reveling in their own intensity that often occurs before everything else follows suite. That's not an entirely new development but it's certainly of note as the instrumental achieves an introspective openness. "Jackson" surges forward with an melancholy air but it's far from a mopey affair - not quite full on balls to the wall rebelliousness but far from tame.

"Jackson" shows that Cymbals Eat Guitars still have the goods - providing interesting narrative choices with rock 'n roll grit. "Jackson" raises the emotional stakes without diminishing any of the band's well-earned badassery. A surefire sign of good things to come.

Cymbals Eat Guitars third album LOSE is out August 26th on Barsuk Records.

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