
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Listen: Avi Buffalo - "So What"

For those outside of the Bay area, the last time anyone had really head from Avi Buffalo was give or take four years ago around the release of their self-titled debut full length on Sub Pop. It was an album that pretty much universally acclaimed and for good reason - Avigdor Zahner-Isenberg was a young and gifted guitarist, his band much the same, and the music they made together rather unlike what you'd expect a bunch of high schoolers to make; polished with just the right bit of imperfection, noteworthy without being entirely too self-serious. 
After a couple lineup changes and Avi Zahner field testing songs at intimate shows for the past couple years, a follow up seems to be well on the horizon - slated for a Fall release in fact. "So What", our first sampling of the upcoming At Best Cuckold is a pleasantly turbulent return. Where much of Avi Buffalo rooted around in spindly jams, "So What" is pure insistent rock with a noticeable pop sensibility. Zahner's grown in pretty much every way - from his bolder, more direct vocal delivery to his psychedelic stamped lyricism, there's a refreshing air of change, a triumphant return that's far more than just more of what Avi Buffalo had to offer. Far from predictable both in terms of songwriting and musicianship, one thing is clear: Avi Buffalo aren't pulling any punches; emerging from their relative radio silence with the kind of tune that'll stick with you for days. 

Avi Buffalo's sophomore full length At Best Cuckold is out September 9th on Sub Pop Records.

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