
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Pitstop: Yes Lord Sugar

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Three years ago, one of my favorite up and coming bands British powerpop trio Elle s'appelle called it quits. Liverpool quartet goFaster>> just recently ceased also. While this was initially tragic news now fans of the bands have reason to celebrate: Yes Lord Sugar. The new band is made up of 3/4th goFaster>> (Rich Collingwood, James Murphy, and Ian Felmingham)and Lucy Blakely of Elle s'appelle. The outcome isn't just a mash-up of the bands styles but rather merges both bands strengths like Lucy's sugary sweet but resoundingly clear vocals and Rich, James, and Ian's driving, air-tight playing. There's also delightful vocal harmonies and a feel-good danceability that warrants an almost excessive amount of replays.

If this is the result, maybe it's not such a bad thing two of my favorite bands broke up? Here's hoping there's more to come from the new Liverpool foursome Yes Lord Sugar. Get a taste of Yes Lord Sugar with two of their demo tracks "Wasted Minds" and "That Look In His Eyes".

Yes Lord Sugar - Wasted Minds by All Around Sound Blog

Yes Lord Sugar - That Look in his Eyes by All Around Sound Blog

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