
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sea of Bees - "Skinnybone" video

Director Stephan Litger was in the audience during a Sea of Bees NYC show in April. It's a good thing he was because approached Sea of Bees frontwoman Julie Baenziger (or Julie Ann Bee as she is sometimes called) with idea of shooting a video. Which they then filmed back when Sea of Bees returned to NYC supporting Stornoway.

Sea of Bees - "Skinnybone" from Gravity Sleeps on Vimeo.

The video itself is part Alice in Wonderland adventure with a touch of Macbeth Witches creepiness. Jules is riding her bike when she comes across a special garbage can. Down the rabbit hole she goes and emerges in a colorful tribal dress adorned with a smattering of paints, a human bone drum mallet, and the garbage can becomes a witches cauldron filled with a mysterious liquid. If things didn't veer enough into heebie-jeebie-land, a faceless doppelanger of Julie appears for a bit of mimicry before Julie decides to return home.

(via Eardrums Music)

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