
Friday, December 16, 2011

Pitstop: Young Dreams

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(Photo by Eirik Lande)

It's kind of a given now that almost everyone who opens for Sondre Lerche in concert, I will grow to love. I'd like to think that it's not just because my love for the Norwegian singer/songwriter extraordinaire spills over on to them but that it's due mostly in part to the fact that Lerche has an exception talent for picking skilled musicians to open for him. And yet, Young Dreams is a band that I didn't have a chance to see live because they only accompanied him on this European tour dates. So my introduction happened mostly in the form of Lerche talking about how they were killing it every night of tour and by earning a slot on his favorite tracks of 2011 playlist.

The Norwegian outfit is positively stacked with members, one of whom I actually recognized from my obsession with Norwegian music I had a few years back - Matias Tellez. But this massive quantity of hands helps to create a sort of orchestrally big take on tropical pop much in the vein of Lord Huron. But it's not just a rehashing of what some other guy and his band have done before. No, there's swooping, swerving, craning melodies just aching to be heard alongside sunny, jubilant dancey beats.

So while the band's only released two 7" singles (with b-sides), they're definitely worthy of some year-end lists so kudos on that to Sondre Lerche. And there's an album coming in 2012 so there's always that to look forward to.

Get a taste of Young Dreams with the debut video their track "Young Dreams":

Young Dreams from Young Dreams on Vimeo.

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