
Monday, January 23, 2012

Andrew Bird - "Eyeoneye"

After it's announcement several months ago, Andrew Bird has played it cool and withheld any hints at what new album Break It Yourself might sound like. Leading many to speculate what we could expect, I thought Bird might be going a more acoustic route due to the stripped down nature of his album teasers. Wrong. With "Eyeoneye", Bird reveals that Break It Yourself will contain more of the same and that's not necessarily a bad thing. Bird has obviously hit his songwriting stride and no longer needs to experimental all that wildly to entertain listeners (not that he did much of that to begin with). The new track features everything I've come to love of Bird: his fancy wordplay, his trademark vogue whistling, subtle shifts in mood, and masterful arranging. Makes the wait for the new album that much harder but no doubt worth it.

 Eyeoneye by Andrew Bird

Break It Yourself is out on March 6th.

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