
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Watch: Bowerbirds - "Tuck the Darkness In"

One of my favorite things about North Carolina folk twosome (recently turned moresome) Bowerbirds is that they display their beliefs proudly - they're nature people. It informs their pastoral lyricism, slips casually into their interviews, their tweets, and their blog rather unapologetically. And it comes out in interesting new way in their latest video for new single "Tuck the Darkness In".

A little boy careless hunting for fish in his mother's work aquarium sees what happens you actual catch it and has an epiphany. That's the general gist of the video. I won't ruin it because for such a simple plot line, the video is artfully dramatic and handled in a way that not as preachy as it sounds. It's more about realizing the consequences of your actions and doing your best to rectify that. And if it happens to feature an adorable little kid dressed up in a fish costume? Well that's just extra.

"Tuck the Darkness In" by Bowerbirds from Secretly Jag on Vimeo.

Bowerbirds new album The Clearing is out today on Dead Oceans.

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