
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Matty Fasano - Living In Armchairs EP (2012)

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Late last month, we were treated to a peek of Matty Fasano's solo EP Living in Armchairs with "Christopher" and this week (yesterday to be exactly) saw the release of the full 4 song EP. Not that there was any doubt but the rest of the EP proves that "Christopher" wasn't some amazing fluke.

Beginning with the eponymous "Living in Armchairs",  the EP starts off very much like a warm up exercise with a very simple piano lines and Matty enters with his golden falsetto maintaining the intrigue and the cherry on top is right after a heavenly moment of harmonization, a drum slides in and propels the track into a more conventional direction. The fact that the track waits for 2 minutes before entertain even the slightest notion of poppy game-change is what makes the moment so sweet and fleeting. Almost as quickly as the drums enter, the tracks.

And just when you think you know what to expect from the rest of the EP, "I Can Change" begins - sounding very much like a spiritual, simplistic and beautiful, swimming in a sea of harmonies, "I Can Change" is perhaps the most unexpected surprise of the whole record. A track bound to completely dominate your every waking moment for the next couple days after listening to it.

On Living In Armchairs, Matty Fasano provides a set of tunes that are noticeably diverse and yet fit wonderously together. Each track feeling like an extension of the one before it. As I mentioned before in my review of "Christopher", Matty Fasano manages to elude any distinctly pop sound resulting in a truly emotional wallop (particularly in the aforementioned "I Can Change" and "Christopher"). Even when the drums enter on "Living in Armchairs", they don't decimate the slow build that came before it, making the moment feel truly earned. In just four short sounds, Fasano shows an astounding amount of versatility and talent. The only negative of the EP is that it's tragically short which is less of an actual flaw and more of compliment. I can only amount of time-consuming aural devastation that would occur if Fasano released a full length and yet, I couldn't want for anything more.

Listen to Matty Fasano's Living In Armchairs EP here. You can also buy the EP on Bandcamp.

If you're in the Manhattan area, make sure to come out to Matty Fasano's double release show with Friend Roulette for a guaranteed good time. Tickets available here.

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