
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Chris Holm - "When I Die"

As I mentioned in my introduction of Norwegian supergroup (for lack of a better word) Young Dreams, they bulk of their members have been apart of other successful bands and/or are distinguished solo artists in their own right. Their banding together could only result in something truly unique and we haven't been disappointed yet.

One of Young Dreams many many members, Chris Holm, is releasing a solo album Kilos in the Fall and he's got the first single up. "When I Die" combines a sort of R&B-esque beat with some sparse rather showy guitar licks. The track quiets when Holm enters and then builds bit by bit as it goes along which is a favorite compositional technique of mine.  "When I Die" is simple and yet irresistible catchy. Not at all surprising from an artist with ties to pop rock maestro Sondre Lerche. It's certainly making me excited for Kilos

Listen to Chris Holm's "When I Die":

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