
Friday, May 4, 2012

Watch: Zulu Winter - "Silver Tongue"

Earlier today I was re-introduced to British five-piece Zulu Winter by none other than this video. Directed by Alex Turvey, the video features a tense car ride where the couple refuses to look at each other before things get a little weird. You're never quite sure what's real and what's not as the drive hallucinates all sorts of scenes while the passenger stares stoically out the window. Or maybe he's not actually hallucinating? The video does such a good job of blending the real with the supernatural that your left with the same confused expression on the drivers face at the end of the video. A kind of "What the heck just happened?" sort of moment that never seems to be answered regardless of how many times you watch the video. And somehow, that's all okay.

Watch Zulu Winter's video for "Silver Tongue":

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