
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Watch: BELL - "Dialtone"

It's hard to believe it's already been a year since the release of BELL's debut record DIAMONITE but it's certainly has been. Since it's release, Olga Bell parted ways with the rest of her assembled band and decided to go it alone. I saw her live briefly and I know that her new setup involves a nifty key-tar with samples loaded into it.

For the release of her brand new single "Dialtone" off DIAMONITE, BELL's gone a particularly different route. Going full on acoustic  and putting her piano chops to good use. She's also enlisted the help of her singer/songwriter friends Aoife Donovan and Kristin Andreassen for a slower, more melancholic take on the originally upbeat dance-y track.

The single also comes with three remixes as well as the original, which you can grab from BELL's Bandcamp.

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