
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Watch: Friend Roulette - "Just Woke Up" (preview)

Remember Brooklyn sextet Friend Roulette? The chamber pop rockers are currently among my favorite people making music right now so each time they reveal a little bit of enigmatic puzzle that is their incredible tunes and debut full length information I leap a little with joy.

Unbeknownst to pretty much anyone besides the band themselves, Friend Roulette recently went in and recorded some tracks at Converse Rubber Tracks and well, like anything the two individually crank out the results are pretty extraordinary.

In the latest Track of the Week from Converse Rubber Tracks you can hear bits of Friend Roulette's latest single "Just Woke Up" and it's pure amazingness. Taking a similar melodic page from arguable my favorite Friend Roulette song "Sailing Song", it once again pairs quirkiness with the band's intense, awe-inspiringly precise musicianship. In a word: Amazing.

The video features just enough of the brand new single to have you jonesing for more. No news yet when the single proper will go live but I hope it's soon.

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