
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Listen: Cymbals Eat Guitars - "Hawk Highway"

Are Brooklyn indie rockers Cymbals Eat Guitars making another record already? If so, certainly no one told me. Last year they released the pretty spectacular Lenses Alien and as if we didn't need about a year or so to process it, Cymbals Eat Guitars are offering up a brand new track by the name of "Hawk Highway".

The new track is certainly one of the most catchy and accessible CEG songs I've heard, recalling "...And the Hazy Sea" sans experimental fuzz or a faster moving "Wavelengths" and yet it doesn't compromise any of the songwriting chops Joseph D'Agostino's displayed thus far or the band's ability to rock. D'Agostino's still spewing out absolute poetry in the form of lyrics but it all fits while the band jams around him and then surges forward. Wordy vocals have a way of getting in the way sometimes but not here, they flow and so there's no eye-raising moments of forced poetics here. Instead there's light head-bobbing maybe foot-taps and perhaps a little bit of air guitar. Don't worry, I won't judge.

Hear the fantastic new single "Hawk Highway" from Cymbals Eat Guitars:

 Cymbals Eat Guitars - Hawk Highway by The Line Of Best Fit

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