
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Listen: Hospitality - "Monkey"

When I saw Brooklyn indie-rock trio Hospitality at Brooklyn Bowl a couple weeks ago they premiered a couple new songs and I lamented that they sort of sounded like the songs on their self-titled full-length debut. This wouldn't have been a bad thing per say if the band hadn't more or less been sitting on some of their debut tracks since their 2008 EP.

Seems all my worrying and stressing was for naught as Hospitality's new track "Monkey" is just on the right side of new and different while maintaining their same angular songwriting and jangle. Unlike their debut album or EP however, "Monkey" sees Amber Papini really owning her frontwoman role, coming out swinging and bursting with confidence. Her furtive coos replaced with full-bodied purrs and ample stage presence (guitar solos included). "Monkey" is the most aggressive Hospitality track to date and it seems like a year of touring has really lit a fire in the trio. Here's hoping there's more where this came from.

"Monkey" will be released as a b-side along with lead single "The Drift" on Merge Records out October 30th. You can pre-order the limited edition 7" here.

(via Stereogum)

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