
Monday, September 10, 2012

Watch: Buke & Gase - "Misshaping Introduction"

If you're at all familiar with Brooklyn experimental pop duo Buke & Gase than you know this: 1) They have a penchant for frakensteining together all of their gear from pre-existing gear/instruments. 2) Their music often follows suit, stitched together tenderly but with enough of the seams showing to make you wonder how in the world the two created such a beast. Well, Buke & Gase have taken their same concept of music-making into their own video production.

Their latest (and if I'm not mistaken debut) music video for "Misshaping Introduction", the lead track off their digital only Function Falls EP, takes footage of the duo and continuously splices and dices them before jimmying them together proudly. The result is a somewhat twitchy  and almost always out of focus video of the duo in their homes that strangely enough perfectly fits the start-stop machinations of "Misshaping Introduction".

You can now stream Buke & Gase's Function Falls EP over at Wired here.

Buke & Gase's Function Falls EP is out tomorrow September 11th via Brassland/their bandcamp.

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