
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Watch: Hospitality - "Eighth Avenue"

Earlier this year, Brooklyn indie-pop three-piece Hospitality charmed their way into the hearts and minds of anyone lucky enough to hear their self-titled Merge Records debut. Since then, the band have been riding high on the full length's success spending the better part of the year touring around the whole of the US of A. Having recently returned to their old stomping grounds (and playing an amazing free show at Brooklyn Bowl late last month), it only seems apt that they release a little something something to celebrate the occasion. Enter their brand new video for "Eighth Avenue".

Directed by Gregory Mitnick and Nat Livingston, the video features a racecar driver who discovers the tears of his lady friend give him an added advantage or his competitors and results in him winning. Of course, this spirals horribly out of control and the drive (played by Victor Magro) ends up tormenting his lady (played by Courtney O'Reilly) at almost every opportunity, collecting her tears in a cup. Does this sound terrible? Because it is. But don't worry, karmic retribution gets doled out eventually. I won't spoil the ending but the lady finds out about the driver's trickery and drama and mayhem ensues. Another great and hilarious (but also kind of douche-featuring) video from Hospitality.

Watch Hospitality's video for "Eighth Avenue":
Hospitality - Eighth Avenue from Merge Records on Vimeo.

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